South Downs Way Cycle: Winchester to Eastbourne

Earlier this year I attempted the 100 mile, beautiful South Downs Way on a mountain bike with some friends over 2 days. We managed around 75 miles of it before we'd had enough and bailed out in Shoreham!

I've built a rapport with James over the past few years , us both being sporty working class lads from the Midlands who have managed to mix it with posh southerners through hard work and endless determination. He's just better looking and wealthier than me!

So it felt very appropriate to take on a challenge to support James in his fundraising efforts. I decided I would re-attempt the same route I'd failed earlier in the summer over 2 days - but this time in one day.

On July 20th I set out with two friends, Simon Webb and Alastair Shanks (who sadly lost his mother to MND recently) at 6am from Winchester.

15 hours, 107 miles, 3500 metres of climbs later we arrived in Eastbourne at 9pm, just before dark.

Even though it was a hot day and we were totally exhausted (it was 40 degrees the day before), our biggest challenge was actually getting home from Eastbourne - we missed the last train back to Farnham.

Deliberating the one hour cycle up the hill from Guildford station vs getting our wives out of bed to pick us up at 1am, both felt like possible near-death experiences.

Thankfully a taxi driver was persuaded with a credit card to take pity on 3 sweaty blokes and bikes covered in dust and cow pats and return us home for a very good sleep!

Simon Albert


Shipwright’s Way Cycle - Portsmouth to Binstead