Frequently asked questions

What are your top tips for the evening?

  1. Although the evening officially starts at 6:15pm, we highly recommend you allow extra time for your arrival as - with 380 guests in cars and taxis all arriving at the same time - it may take some time to queue and disembark. Please note that due to limited space at the venue, we have had to limit overnight parking to Top Table and Premium Table guests only.

  2. Similarly, it is a good idea to book a taxi home now, as the local operators are likely to be extremely busy at 1:30am! There are some local taxi numbers listed in our FAQ.

  3. A cloak room will be available on your arrival for any coats and bags.

  4. Please do stop and smile for a photo in front of our sponsor’s board before you enter the reception area!

  5. Champagne will be served during the reception, but alcohol-free drinks and beer and alcohol-free beer will be available as alternatives. Thereafter, wine is available as per your ticket allocation on your table, and there is a bar in the marquee that accepts cash and card for all other drinks and any additional bottles of wine you may wish to purchase. Please note that if you are one of our Top Table guests, you will be directed to a more intimate Champagne reception in an adjoining room.

  6. We have an amazing raffle with over £5,000 in luxury prizes to be won, with tickets at £20 - however we can only accept cash via the envelopes on your table for tickets, so please ensure you a few £20 notes if you would like a chance of winning a raffle prize.

  7. Follow us on Instagram to learn more about the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, MND - and to see some exciting sneak peeks of our auction prizes!

What’s the purpose of the Brancaster Ball?

The Brancaster Ball has been founded by James Clarke; husband of Lottie, father of three, and Proprietary Partner at Knight Frank.

In late 2021, following numerous appointments, James was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND).

The ball is a fundraising event, and any proceeds from the evening will be donated to the ‘My Name’5 Doddie Foundation’, a prominent MND charity, whose vision is a ‘World free of MND’.

James and his friends have already raised over £200,000 for the charity, and the aim is to reach his target of £250,000 through the fundraising at the ball.

Can I still get a ticket to attend the ball?

No, we’re afraid not - with immense thanks to all our supporters, we sold out in a matter of days! Please email to be added to the wait list, as there may be a last-minute cancellation.

What is the address and location of Frensham Hall?

Frensham Hall

Frensham Heights School


GU10 4EA

You will see signposts at the junction of ‘The Long Road’ and ‘Frensham Heights Road’ for ‘Frensham Heights School Main Entrance’ - this Google Maps Pin shows precisely where.

The postcode for your sat nav is GU10 4EA. Please check the last mile of the journey with a route map however as some navigation systems attempt to direct drivers to the former gatehouse. The turning to Frensham Heights Road is 500m East from this point. You will be greeted by parking attendants on arrival.

What’s the running order of the evening?

6:15pm - Champagne Reception begins
7:00pm - Call to Supper *
7:30pm - Welcome address and festivities begin
9:15pm - Live auction
10:00pm - Live band and dancing
11:45pm - DJ and more dancing!
01:30am - Carriages
* Please help us run a successful event by moving to your tables swiftly when called.

What’s the dress code for the evening?

Black Tie, formal.

How can I pay for drinks and donate to the fundraising activities?

The bar and our auction both accept credit and debit cards, but please could we ask you to bring cash should you wish to enter into our wonderful raffle. Tickets cost £20 per entry, and we can only accept cash via the envelopes that will be on your table.

Arrival and parking

The venue have been kind enough to allow overnight parking, however they only have space for a small number of cars. Therefore parking is reserved for our Top Table and Premium Table guests only. On arrival you will be greeted by parking attendants who shall direct you accordingly. Taxis should please drop off their passengers at the small roundabout adjacent to the main building, and then leave the premises immediately, so reducing the risk of traffic jams forming. All cars parked are done so at the owner’s risk. We thank you for your understanding.

Departure and carriages

Last orders will be called at 1:00am, and the event closes at 1:30am. We would highly recommend booking your taxi home now, as local operators may well be extremely busy at 1:30am! There are a few suggested local taxi firms below. Please note that Farnham is not covered by Uber.

  • Blueline Taxis - 01252 758294

  • Farnham Station Taxis - 01252 735735

  • VGT Taxis - 01252 737475

  • Farnham Cars - 01252 560162

  • Farnham Cabs - 01252 717273

  • SQ Taxis - 07591 282414

How do I enter the raffle?

There will be a silent raffle taking place on the night and we have over £5,000 of incredible prizes to be won. To enter the raffle draw you will find donation envelopes and pens on your table. Each envelope counts as 1 entry into the raffle and costs £20 cash.

You may enter as many envelopes into the draw as you would like but we ask that each envelope contains £20 in cash only please.

How does the silent auction work?

We have sourced a vast range of fantastic silent auction prizes that span across varying interests, so there should be something to entice you and plenty to go around!

You will find a silent auction brochure on your seat at your table. Please place your highest bid for any items you wish to bid on, as there will not be an opportunity to raise your bid later. You may bid on as many items as you want. Your completed silent auction brochures will be collected by our team during the meal. If you have secured the winning bid, our team will return to your table during dessert to make you aware and to collect payment for your prize.

All credit and debit cards are welcome as payment. Please be aware that under UK law, placing a bid is a formal offer, and once accepted, is a contract to purchase the item.

What about the live auction?

Get ready to haggle! We have put together some exciting ‘Money Can’t Buy!’ opportunities for the Live Auction. Again, payment for any winning bids will be taken on the night and all credit and debit cards are welcome.

More information and teasers will be sent out in the coming weeks on what some of these prizes may be so keep an eye out for that on Instagram. You may like to join forces with friends to increase your bidding power for some of them!